Our precious and perfect daughter

Our precious and perfect daughter

About Me

My name is Jolee Krause. My husband Sam and I got married January 10, 2015. We knew from when we first met that we wanted to have a big family. I have severe PCOS and had been told for many years that conceiving would be difficult, if it would even be possible. We prayed that God would bless us with a child when the time was right.  By the grace of God we conceived our Mary on our honeymoon! Boy were we surprised! She was the baby we had always hoped and prayed for. From the moment we found out we were pregnant we had so many dreams and plans for our family. We shared our exciting with our family right away. They were so surprised! We shared on publicly early on that we were expecting. We believed the more people that could pray for a healthy pregnancy, the better.

We had a normal pregnancy until 18 weeks when we went in for our gender/anatomy scan. We found out our daughter had significant abnormalities that were deemed medically as 'incompatible with life'. We have a strong and deep faith and God and never even had second thoughts about carrying Mary to term. Our God blessed us with a daughter and we were going to keep her as long as we could. On August 13, 2015 Mary Margaret was born with complete Triploidy. She lived in our arms for an hour and forty-six minutes.

This blog is a way to educate the world on Triploidy, share the good news of God's never-ending love, and process our journey through life with daughter. Sam and I are so proud of our Mary Margaret, and all the odds she defied. We will forever and always 'praise God through this storm'.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful blessing our precious Mary Margaret was. Thank you for sharing your story with so many. I firmly believe that by sharing your story, you've touched so many people who will learn & grow through you & Mary. I know that my life has been blessed & enriched immensely by the special gift of her life. I love you, Sam & my granddaughter Mary so very much.
